The Political Classes

3636 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #64 – UKIP and the Political Classes issue

I apologise for looking scruffy. Actually I do not. Why should I dress up? I hope this video will be up before the Euro Election results are out – UKIP will, as I have predicted for ages, win.

In this I discuss the various reasons folks voted UKIP and why the political classes got the kicking they so richly deserve.

How will they respond? With more lies. UKIP will not win the next election by any stretch of the imagination. That is a 2 horse race. I won’t vote for them but I am almost glad they exist and I explain why.

My weekly financial video postcard covers sleaze on the AIM Cesspit and the launch of the 2014 AIM Cesspit awards. I very much hope that you watch it HERE


3636 days ago

Weekly Caption Contest: The Political Classes are Listening to you NOT! edition

In the wake of the drubbing of LibLabCon in the local and Euro Elections the political classes have taken a few days off from fiddling their expenses to insist that they are listening to us plebs. “Of course we are listening, we have stopped calling you racists, little Englanders, etc and have ALWAYS been concerned about Europe, immigration, etc.”

Yeah right… and you are also going to crack down on expenses fiddling too?

In that vein I ask that you suggest suitable captions for the picture below:

For what it is worth my entry, on a different tack, is:


3683 days ago

David Laws, Maria Miller – Thieving bastard MPs with no shame: Piano Wire for the political classes

In the private sector if you steal from your employer by fiddling your expenses you get sacked at once. Then, if the employer wishes to save other firms from taking on a thief you get reported to the Old Bill. Hopefully you get a criminal record.  Crime should not pay.

But for MPs, who should be held to at least the same standard as we poor plebs, life is different.

Culture Secretary Maria Miller (who looks like a greedy pig and is a greedy pig) has made a million quid abusing the expenses system. She broke the rules. And she is having to pay back some of the expenses she should never have claimed. But not all. And none of her “winnings” from property speculation funded by taxpayers cash will be repaid.

This woman should be fired from the cabinet and step down as an MP. But that is not happening. Instead the rest of the political class are standing up to defend her. Her champion today is David Laws MP who stole taxpayer’s cash by fiddling his expenses. He quit the cabinet but only temporarily – he is once again a minister.

These folks have no shame. Why the fuck should I work my socks off to pay taxes to fund these creeps. Please can anyone explain why we would be any worse off if the entire political class was strung up with piano wire? Let’s just have a period when no new laws are made and we can just get on with our lives.  Let Alan Sugar run the country for a while. Surely life could be no worse?


4020 days ago

Andrew Gilligan – The Westminster Bubble at Play on UKIP on LBC

I happened to be in a car passing through London and so caught Andrew Gilligan’s politics show discussing whether UKIP was a fraud. It was pure Westminster bubble stuff. It showed clearly why the establishment does not understand why folks voted UKIP and so is clueless as to how to respond for the political & media establishment is the problem not the solution.

Three political wonks (none of whom support UKIP or predicted its success) discussed how the established parties should respond with Gilligan helpfully chipping in every now and again to say “But isn’t it a fraud, let’s look at its 2010 manifesto.” The response was that the old three could see off UKIP by making policy shifts of emphasis that showed they cared/listened without actually “moving to the right” i.e. actually doing anything. 

And that was it. Folks voted UKIP because they are sick of an elite that refuses to discuss certain issues or countenance certain policies while at the same time adopting a moral high ground as they embezzle money and display sleaze at every opportunity. And so the elite responds by saying “we can see off UKIP by saying we sympathise but not actually doing anything.” Just how stupid do the political classes think that the electorate is?  They obviously hold us in complete contempt.

And then Gilligan took a few calls from plebs. A bloke opined that the immigration laws were unhelpful. Well yes they bloody well are. Do I have to use the magic words Abu Qatada to make my point? The main parties say they are listening but they are clearly not and Gilligan summed up their underlying attitude by going back to the bloke with “So basically you do not like foreigners.”  Unluckily for Gilligan


4055 days ago

Chris Huhne – One rule for them….

Found guilty of a crime that can carry a 10 year sentence, former MP and wind farm loon Chris Huhne was sentenced to 8 months. He will apparently serve 8 weeks. And all bar 8 days of that will have been spent in an open prison (Leyhill) where he can enjoy the use of three tennis courts, eats organic food and can take Pilates classes if he fancies a bit of gentle exercise. He appears in the weekend press wandering past the prison’s aviary. One rule for the political classes and one rule for we plebs.
